The Super Tabs XTension gives you ultimate control over tab positions in QuarkXPress. This powerful design tool, from X•ALT Systems, adds a floating palette and a new floating ruler to QuarkXPress in which you can control your tabs with ease.
Numerical control - the Super Tabs XTension gives you a floating palette in which you can edit your tabs settings in a numerical way.
Absolute and Relative measurements - the tab positions can be entered in absolute or relative modes. In absolute mode the Super Tabs XTension works like QuarkXPress. In relative mode, you can specify tab distances instead of absolute positions. Now when a tab is inserted, the tab positions after the insertion point will be shifted.
Divide tab positions - the Super Tabs XTension gives you the ability to divide the spaces between fields equally over a selected range. This powerful function is especially useful for setting tables.
New Super Tabs ruler - If you move your document window, the ruler will also shift to the correct position on your screen. And you can move the ruler vertically to any position on your screen. You can also select one or more tabs in the palette so all tabs are simultaneously shifted the same amount.